Hymn of the Month: November

November’s hymn of the month is “Jesus Comes with Clouds Descending.” The text was written by Charles Wesley, brother of the founder of Methodism, John Wesley. Charles is considered one of the great, if not the greatest, hymn writers ever. Eleven of his hymns are found in The Presbyterian Hymnal including “Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus,” … Read more

Hymn of the Month: October

Update for Sunday, October 22: When I introduced October’s tune, VINEYARD HAVEN, I called it a “twofer” because there are two texts we will sing it to. In fact, we’re going to have a “threefer” with the tune! Recently I was given a copy of an article by Northmont’s former music director, Todd Alexander, which … Read more


Sunday October 22 – Right after Sunday Service From time to time over the past few years, we have held a Town Hall meetings to discuss important topics that pertain to the mission and ministry of Northmont. As we enter into another season of stewardship and discernment, we invite you to do so again. Please … Read more


A service of the word set to music featuring special guest music leadership from Dr. Will Thomas Cleveland Dr. Will Thomas Cleveland currently serves as the Director of Music and Organist at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Greenwood, South Carolina. He holds the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Organ  Performance from The Fred Fox School … Read more

Choir Season 2023 Begins!

By Stephen Schall Two weeks ago, at the Barn Service, we had a lovely reminder of how beautiful and inspiring the Chancel Choir is. This week they and the Adult Handbell Choir return from their summer hiatus. We have an exciting musical year ahead. The bells will return to playing once a month. And, in … Read more

Introducing the “Hymn of the Month” Project

By: Stephen Schall Beginning in September, we institute a project called, The Hymn of the Month. In it, we’ll spend a month exploring, in depth, one hymn that is not well known to the congregation. The goal is to expand the congregation’s repertoire and to help us all reflect on the hymns we sing and … Read more

New Northmont Signage Funded by Memorial Fund

Last year the Session approved four projects for the Memorial Fund Wish List.  One of those projects, development of a new Northmont website, was completed in March.  You have probably noticed the recent completion of a second project – signage throughout the interior of the church and a few new signs outside. The signs are … Read more

Memorial Fund

Last year the Session approved four projects for the Memorial Fund Wish List. One of those projects was the development of a new Northmont website. The old website was susceptible to viruses, kept getting hacked, took days to repair, was difficult to update, had an unreliable host, and was not user friendly. The new website … Read more

Singing the Passion

This Holy Week we will have the opportunity to hear two musical settings of the Passion: Matthew on Palm-Passion Sunday and John on Good Friday. The tradition of singing the Passion dates from at least the 4th century perhaps culminating in the great works of J.S. Bach. For a complete musical history go here. Sunday’s … Read more