Specialized Ministries are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place.
Considering that the early church worshiped in large settings in the synagogues as well as in homes, we unite together similarly
in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one another. God has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other.
Thus, we intentionally strive toward community through men’s/women’s groups, home gatherings, and other personal settings.

Presbyterian Women (PW) offers meaningful ways for women in the church to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community of women. For more than 200 years Presbyterian Women’s groups have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Northmont’s Presbyterian Women actively serve Christ in a multitude of ways.

Founded as a fellowship of men of faith, the Northmont Brotherhood Club (NBC) meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 9 am to 10 am in Polley Fellowship Hall. Ecumenical in scope, NBC welcomes men from both Northmont and neighboring congregations of all denominations. Attendees begin to gather around 8:30 am for coffee, donuts, and socialization. The meetings begin at 9:00 with prayer and devotions, and then generally consist of speakers presenting on a variety of subjects, including religion, mission, community, history, health, sports, business and technology.
For more information, please contact Ted Mills at [email protected]

A Stephen Minister is:
- A child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting.
- A member of the church with gifts for caregiving who was carefully selected to serve in this role.
- A person who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care.
- A caring, Christian friend who listens, cries, prays, supports, and encourages.
- Someone who will “be there” for someone needing care, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week for as long as there’s a need.
Our Stephen Ministry coordinator is Jan Baty. Please contact the church office for further information.
Beacons (Mostly Retired)
The Beacons are a group of retired couples and singles who get together for several social functions each year. In the past they have attended plays, concerts, sporting events, trips to Oktoberfest, a holiday season dinner, and much more. They also are involved in outreach projects such as serving meals in our local shelters. New faces are always welcome! Kathy Spitz and Marilyn Brown coordinate this group. Please contact the church office for more information.
Triangles (Mostly Retired)
Meet Sept-Dec and March-May. Relationships with Triangles bring the freshness of new members with older members who have been friends for years. Triangles opens with a corn roast in September. They attend the annual musical at North Allegheny High school in March. Soup and sandwich lunches in Polley Fellowship Hall on the 3rd Friday of the other months are social times of entertainment. A banquet at a local restaurant concludes the year in May.
Ministries come in all shapes and sizes – married couples, singles, men, women, kids, no kids, workplace, under 20, over 40 – the list goes on.
No matter where you are in life, there is a ministry for you.
Ready to dive in? Contact the church office to find a ministry that fits you or to start one of your own.