Meet the Team at Northmont Church

Rev. Ben Robbins
Rev. Ben Robbins is originally from Beaver County, where he grew up in the small town of Industry. He received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Westminster College where he met his wife, Rev. Sarah Robbins. The two of them went to Louisville Presbyterian Seminary in Louisville, KY. While in seminary, Ben also received an MBA from the University of Louisville. For three years, Rev. Robbins was the Director of Youth & Family Ministries at Linway Presbyterian Church in North Versailles. Ben is formerly the pastor of Pigeon Creek Presbyterian Church in Eighty Four, PA. He then served for four years as the pastor of Valley Presbyterian Church in Imperial, PA. He most recently served as the Interim Pastor at Hiland Presbyterian Church.

Bob Addleman
Financial Secretary
Bob Addleman joined the Northmont staff as Financial Secretary in January 2017. Bob comes to us from Park Presbyterian Church in Beaver, where he served as the church administrator. He is a lifelong Presbyterian, and has been a ruling elder since 1989. Bob has served several congregations in a variety of areas from Worship & Music, to Stewardship, Finance, Administration, Christian Education, Communications, and Mission. He’s also been a Sunday School teacher, choir member and instrumentalist. He and his wife Peggy (also a PC(USA) ruling elder) reside in Upper St. Clair, and attend Park Presbyterian Church in Beaver, where they sing in the choir and Bob plays with and sometimes conducts the church orchestra.

Dianna Hollo
Administrative Assistant
Dianna Hollo is a native of the South, growing up in Tennessee and Arkansas. Dianna graduated from the University of Central AR with a Bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance. She met her husband Joe in Austin, TX where they were married and eventually moved to Pittsburgh in 1999. They have been members of Northmont since 2000. Their three children were raised in the Northmont community. Dianna has served the church in a variety of ways from Deacons, Session, Mission, Worship & Music, and continues to sing with the Chancel Choir. She was on staff as Admin. Asst. from 2019-2021, and returned to the position in 2024. She loves interacting with the congregation members and serving her church in this form of ministry.

Lindsey Cunko
A.V. and Youth Group Assistant

Stephen Schall
Music Director
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Toledo, Ohio. Locally Stephen was long-time Director of
Music at Saint Bernard Roman Catholic Parish, Mount Lebanon and also served Saint Sebastian, Ross
Township, and Wallace Memorial Presbyterian, Green Tree—where he was on staff with Pastor Ben’s
wife, the Rev. Sarah Robbins.
Active as a choral conductor, organist, and singer, he has been the director of The Pittsburgh Compline
Choir—which sings the Office of Compline on Sunday evenings at the University of Pittsburgh’s Heinz
Chapel, organist for the RC Diocese of Pittsburgh, and a long-time professional core member and bass
soloist in The Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh. Stephen holds dual Master’s degrees in Organ
Performance and Choral Conducting as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Church Music from Westminster
Choir College, Princeton, New Jersey.
Stephen and his husband, psychiatric counselor, Andrew Eppich, live in Mount Lebanon. Stephen is a
follower of The Artist’s Way, a student of The Alexander Technique, an active yogi, and an avid
genealogist and cook.

Tim McPherson