Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.”
Mark 10:14
AMOS Night ( All Members Night)
AMOS nights started pre-covid at Northmont but had to be put on pause because of the pandemic. We are bringing it back! AMOS nights are our way of creating an atmosphere of fellowship and hospitality for families and all members of our church. We will be sharing a meal together and then breaking off for a time of learning. Adults will join Rev. Ben for a lesson and kids and youth in K-12 will be joining Bre. AMOS nights will take place once a month at 5pm.
The family worship space is a place for families with children to be able to worship together in the sanctuary. It has room for children to move around, tables to do puzzles, draw, and color. There are also 2 bean bags to read books on. Stop by this Sunday to take a look at this great space for families.