Service Times
Join Us for Worship

Sundays @ 10:00am Eastern

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Service Times
Join Us for Worship

Sundays @ 10:00am Eastern

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Or watch Online after the service

Join Us for Worship
Sundays @ 10:00am Eastern
Sunday School During Service

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Or watch Online after the service
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Northmont Church – Disciples in the Making


Worship encourages Northmont’s heart.

Disciplemaking inspires Northmont’s mind. 

Ministry stimulates Northmont’s life.

Hospitality unites Northmont’s community.

Fulfilling Christ’s commission by loving God, loving people, and proclaiming the Good News.


Community Groups

A small group is not just a class, it’s not just a bible study. A small group is meant to be flexible, open to new members, developing meaningful relationships, and includes education while striving to go beyond it.

Youth Ministry

Northmont’s youth group is a great place for students to experience true belonging. United in our love for Jesus Christ, our youth come together to hang out in fellowship, develop meaningful friendships, and explore their faith together.

Children’s Ministry

Northmont’s Children’s Ministry is an opportunity for children to experience worship in a way that might be more accessible to them. Gathering in a classroom which has been transformed into a modified worship space, the children wrestle with the Biblical texts with a more hands-on approach via interactive discussions, games, crafts, songs, or any number of these things each week!

Music Ministries

Music at Northmont seeks to give praise and thanks to the Triune God in all times and seasons. Our musical worship is traditional but varied in both era and genre, and includes hymnody, psalmody, spirituals, Taizé, and a wide range of vocal and instrumental music..

Specialized Ministries

Specialized Ministries are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. We unite together, much as the early Church did, in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one another. God has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other.

Missional Partners

Missional Partners is a wonderful way for Northmont Church to support our area by providing meeting space for neighborhood groups such as the Boy Scouts of America, AARP, AA, and the Longvue Acres Garden Club.

This upgraded website was funded by the Memorial Fund gifts given by family and friends in memory of

Tom Snaman, Jean Kennedy and Jean Stultz.

Interested in learning more about Northmont?