With a library, food pantry, computer lab, and numerous programs for all ages, The West View HUB is dedicated to improving the intellectual, physical, and spiritual life within West View.
Our mission is to use classical theater to engage and inspire communities.
It is our vision that individuals from diverse backgrounds will share a common creative experience and develop a greater sense of empathy in their everyday lives
Chartered 50 years ago by Northmont (then The Community United Presbyterian Church of Highland), Troop 335 has introduced thousands of boys to the aims and methods of Scouting. Many of the Scouts have been members of the congregation. Nearly 200 Scouts of Northmont Troop 335 have achieved Eagle, Scouting’s highest rank.
Boy Scouting is boy-run and boy-led. It’s about developing leadership skills, confidence, character, and mental and moral fitness. Scouting uses Troop meetings and the outdoors as its laboratories. Scouting is an adventure available to all boys between the ages of 11 and 18. Meeting time is Monday nights from 7:00-8:30pm in Polley Fellowship Hall.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over. They meet in Polley Fellowship Hall every third Thursday of every month. During this time they have entertainment and special speakers. They also arrange trips to attend together. If you are interested in learning more about this group contact the church office.

Alcoholic Anonymous (A.A.)
A primary principal of Alcoholics Anonymous is the one ultimate authority of a loving God. For decades Northmont has opened God’s house to provide a place in our community where those of God’s children who suffer and battle alcoholism may meet for mutual assistance in achieving personal recovery and continued sobriety.
Meeting time is Sunday Evenings at 8:00pm in Polley Fellowship Hall. For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous click here.
Longvue Acres Garden Club
The Longvue Acres Garden Club was formed in the fall of 1950, when construction of the Longvue Acres Plan 3, located off Peebles Road in McCandless, bought many new homes to the “blooming” area. It consists of 35 members and meets at 7pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month for a variety of educational programs. Field trips have included a day tour of the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden in Settlers Cabin Park, and a three-day excursion to Longwood Gardens new Wilmington, Del. For more information about this club and how to become a member, contact the church office.