Presbyterian Women (PW) offers meaningful ways for women to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community. For more than 200 years Presbyterian Women’s groups have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
Northmont’s Presbyterian Women actively serve Christ in a multitude of ways:
Northmont Delivers: PW monthly prepares and delivers meals to church members who are experiencing health issues or for various other reasons. Serving a home cooked meal is felt to be a way of showing our care and love for Northmont members.
The Knitters, a.k.a. Knit-wits: This knitting group of women meets on Wednesday in the Mangochi Room as 9:30am. It is sponsored by PW as part of its missional outreach. Items are knitted and crocheted for Northside Common Ministries, Lutheran Charities, Hospice, North Hills Community Outreach, and Alma Illery. Other groups receive items as a need arises.
Sewing Sisters for Mission: This PW outreach meets the first and third Fridays from 10am to 12 noon, sewing various items to benefit local, national, and world organizations.
Christmas Luncheon: PW hosts an annual luncheon during the Christmas season. This event attracts women from neighboring Presbyterian congregations who share PW’s commitment to mission.
Book Group: A women’s book review group, sponsored by PW, meets at 9:30 am in the Mangochi Room on the third Saturday of every month except July and August.
Women’s Bible Study: A wonderful group of women who enjoy exploring the PW Horizons Bible Study series. No need to be a member of Northmont! Just come enjoy fellowship and conversation. This group meets the second Tuesday of every month at 1:00 pm in the Berean Room.
PW also sponsors two church-wide offerings, Thank Offering and Birthday Offering, annually for national mission.
Donations to Presbyterian Women: These wonderful ministries operate off of donation. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the ministries of the PW please make checks payable to “Presbyterian Women” or “Northmont Presbyterian Women” and write the name of the event, such as Northmont delivers, bake sale or soup sale, in the memo line. You can mail these checks to the church at 8169 Perry Highway Pittsburgh PA 15237. Thank you for your donation.